ViPNet, Protelion: Greenbone enables to check the status
ViPNet Client integrated into Greenbone Vulnerability Management
According to a report by ZDF Magazin Royale last Friday, there are growing fears that the VPN software “VIPNET”, from the company Protelion, a subsidiary of the Russian cybersecurity company O.A.O.Infotecs, could have security vulnerabilities.
It is feared that the software, which Protelion distributes, could allow the Russian secret service FSB (KGB) access to confidential information. Even though this claim is the subject of controversial debates between security experts and politicians, customers have approached us with the request to provide a test that can detect ViPNeT, especially on Windows computers.
Users of the Greenbone Enterprise Feed and the Greenbone Community Feed can verify the registration of InfoTeCS / Protelion ViPNet on Windows machines by an authenticated test.
Our customers can simply continue to use their Greenbone product, the test is already implemented in the feed. Those who do not yet have a Greenbone product yet, please use the link (check here) above.
Sustainable protection of your IT Networks
If you want to know which systems in your network are (still) vulnerable to vulnerabilities – including the ProxyNotShell vulnerability – our vulnerability management helps you. It is used in systems that must be patched or otherwise protected in any case. Depending on the type of systems and vulnerabilities, they can be found better or worse. The detection is also constantly improving and being updated. New gaps are found. Therefore, there may always be more systems with vulnerabilities in the network. Therefore, it is worthwhile to regularly update and scan all systems. The Greenbone vulnerability management offers corresponding automation functions for this.
Our vulnerability management offers the best protection
Vulnerability management is an indispensable part of IT security. It can find risks and provides valuable information on how to eliminate them. However, no single measure offers 100% security, not even vulnerability management. To make a system secure, many systems are used, which in their entirety should provide the best possible security.

Markus Feilner is a consultant for IT security, digital sovereignty and open source strategies from Regensburg. He has been working with Linux since 1994. He has been writing studies, articles and blog posts for Greenbone since 2021.