“Support for early crisis detection” was the topic of a high-profile panel on the second day of this year’s PITS Congress. On stage: Greenbone CEO Jan-Oliver Wagner together with other experts from the Federal Criminal Police Office, the German Armed Forces, the Association of Municipal IT Service Providers VITAKO and the Federal Office for Information Security.

On security crises f.l.t.r.: Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner, CEO (Greenbone), Dr. Dirk Häger, Head of Operational Cyber Security Department (Federal Office for Information Security), Katrin Giebel, Head of Office (VITAKO Federal Association of Municipal IT Service Providers), Major General Dr. Michael Färber, Head of Planning and Digitization Department (Cyber & Information Command) and Carsten Meywirth, Head of Cybercrime Department (Federal Criminal Police Office).

Once again this year, Behörden Spiegel organized its popular conference on Public IT Security (PITS). Hundreds of security experts gathered at the renowned Hotel Adlon in Berlin for two days of forums, presentations and an exhibition of IT security companies. In 2024, the motto of the event was “Security Performance Management” – and so it was only natural that Greenbone, as a leading provider of vulnerability management, was also invited (as in 2023), for example in the panel on early crisis detection, which Greenbone CEO Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner opened with a keynote speech.

In his presentation, Jan-Oliver Wagner explained his view on strategic crisis detection, talking about the typical “earthquakes” and the two most important components: Knowing where vulnerabilities are, and providing technologies to address them.

Greenbone has built up this expertise over many years, also making it vailable to the public, in open source, always working together with important players on the market. For example, contacts with the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) were there right from the start: “The BSI already had the topic of vulnerability management on its radar when IT security was still limited to firewalls and antiviruses,” Wagner is praising the BSI, the German government’s central authority for IT security.

Today, the importance of two factors is clear: “Every organization must know how and where it is vulnerable, know its own response capabilities and has to keep working on improving them continuously. Cyber threats are like earthquakes. We can’t prevent them, we can only prepare for them and respond to them in the best possible way.”

“A crisis has often happened long before the news break”

According to Jan-Oliver Wagner’s definition, the constant cyber threat evolves into a veritable “crisis” when, for example, a threat “hits a society, economy or nation where many organizations have a lot of vulnerabilities and a low ability to react quickly. Speed is very important. You have to be faster than the attack happens.” The other participants on the panel also addressed this and used the term “getting ahead of the wave”.

The crisis is often already there long before it is mentioned in the news, individual organizations need to protect themselves and prepare themselves so that they can react to unknown situations on a daily basis. “A cyber nation supports organizations and the nation by providing the means to achieve this state,” says Jan-Oliver Wagner.

Differences between the military and local authorities

Major General Dr Michael Färber, Head of Planning and Digitalization, Cyber & Information Space Command, explained the Bundeswehr’s perspective: According to him, a crisis occurs when the measures and options for responding are no longer sufficient. “Then something develops into a crisis.”

From the perspective of small cities and similar local authorities, however, the picture is different, according to Katrin Giebel, Head of VITAKO, the Federal Association of Municipal IT Service Providers. “80 percent of administrative services take place at the municipal level. Riots would already occur when the vehicle registration is not available.” Cities and municipalities keep being hit hard by cyber attacks, and crises start much earlier here: “For us, threats are almost the same as a crisis.”

Massive negligence in organizations is frightening, says BSI

The BSI, on the other hand, defines a “crisis” as when an individual organization is unable or no longer able to solve a problem on its own. Dr Dirk Häger, Head of the Operational Cyber Security Department at the BSI: “As soon as two departments are affected, the crisis team convenes. For us, a crisis exists as soon as we cannot solve a problem with the standard organization.” This is giving a crucial role to those employees who decide whether to call together a meeting or not. “You just reach a point where you agree: now we need the crisis team.”

Something that Häger finds very frightening, however, is how long successful attacks continue to take place after crises have actually already been resolved, for example in view of the events surrounding the Log4j vulnerability. “We put a lot of effort into this, especially at the beginning. The Log4j crisis was over, but many organizations were still vulnerable and had inadequate response capabilities. But nobody investigates it anymore,” complains the head of department from the BSI.

How to increase the speed of response?

Asked by moderator Dr. Eva-Charlotte Proll, editor-in-chief and publisher at Behörden Spiegel, what would help in view of these insights, he describes the typical procedure and decision-making process in the current, exemplary checkpoint incident: “Whether something is a crisis or not is expert knowledge. In this case, it was a flaw that was initiated and exploited by state actors.” Action was needed at the latest when the checkpoint backdoor was beginning to be exploited by other (non-state) attackers. Knowledge of this specific threat situation is also of key importance for those affected.

Also Jan Oliver Wagner once again emphasized the importance of the knowledge factor. Often the threat situation is not being discussed appropriately. At the beginning of 2024, for example, an important US authority (NIST) reduced the amount of information in its vulnerability database – a critical situation for every vulnerability management provider and their customers. Furthermore, the fact that NIST is still not defined as a critical infrastructure shows that action is needed.

The information provided by NIST is central to the National Cyber Defense Center’s ability to create a situational picture as well, agrees Färber. This also applies to cooperation with the industry: several large companies “boast that they can deliver exploit lists to their customers within five minutes. We can improve on that, too.”

Carsten Meywirth, Head of Department at the BKA, emphasized the differences between state and criminal attacks, also using the example of the supply chain attack on Solarwinds. Criminal attackers often have little interest in causing a crisis because too much media attention might jeopardize their potential financial returns. And security authorities need to stay ahead of the wave – which requires intelligence and the potential to disrupt the attackers’ infrastructure.

BKA: International cooperation

According to Major General Färber, Germany is always among the top 4 countries in terms of attacks. The USA is always in first place, but states like Germany end up in the attackers’ dragnets so massively simply because of their economy’s size. This is what makes outstanding international cooperation in investigating and hunting down perpetrators so important. “Especially the cooperation of Germany, the USA and the Netherlands is indeed very successful, but the data sprints with the Five Eyes countries (USA, UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand) are also of fundamental importance, because that is where intelligence findings come to the table, are being shared and compared. “Successful identification of perpetrators is usually impossible without such alliances,” says Michael Färber. But Germany is well positioned with its relevant organizations: “We have significantly greater redundancy than others, and that is a major asset in this fight.” In the exemplary “Operation Endgame“, a cooperation between the security authorities and the private sector launched by the FBI, the full power of these structures is now becoming apparent. “We must and will continue to expand this.”

“We need an emergency number for local authorities in IT crises”

Getting ahead of the situation like this is still a dream of the future for the municipalities. They are heavily reliant on inter-federal support and a culture of cooperation in general. An up-to-date picture of the situation is “absolutely important” for them, Katrin Giebel from VITAKO reports. As a representative of the municipal IT service providers, she is very familiar with many critical situations and the needs of the municipalities – from staff shortages to a lack of expertise or an emergency number for IT crises that is still missing today. Such a hotline would not only be helpful, but it would also correspond to the definition from Wagner’s introductory presentation: “A cyber nation protects itself by helping companies to protect themselves.”

BSI: prevention is the most important thing

Even if the BSI does not see itself in a position to fulfil such a requirement on its own, this decentralized way of thinking has always been internalized. But whether the BSI should be developed into a central office in this sense is something that needs to be discussed first, explains Dirk Häger from the BSI. “But prevention is much more important. Anyone who puts an unsecured system online today will quickly be hacked. The threat is there. We must be able to fend it off. And that is exactly what prevention is.”

Wagner adds that information is key to this. And distributing information is definitely a task for the state, which is where he sees the existing organizations in the perfect role.

Winter is coming: The motto of House Stark from the series “Game of Thrones” indicates the approach of an undefined disaster. One could also surmise something similar when reading many articles that are intended to set the mood for the upcoming NIS2 Implementation Act (NIS2UmsuCG). Is NIS2 a roller of ice and fire that will bury the entire European IT landscape and from which only those who attend one of the countless webinars and follow all the advice can save themselves?

NIS2 as such is merely a directive issued by the EU. It is intended to ensure the IT security of operators of important and critical infrastructures, which may not yet be optimal, and to increase cyber resilience. Based on this directive, the member states are now called upon to create a corresponding law that transposes this directive into national law.

What is to be protected?

The NIS Directive was introduced by the EU back in 2016 to protect industries and service providers relevant to society from attacks in the cybersphere. This regulation contains binding requirements for the protection of IT structures in companies that operate as critical infrastructure (KRITIS) operators. These are companies that play an indispensable role within society because they operate in areas such as healthcare services, energy supply and transport. In other words, areas where deliberately caused disruptions or failures can lead to catastrophic situations – raise your hand if your household is equipped to survive a power outage lasting several days with all its consequences…

As digitalisation continues to advance, the EU had to create a follow-up regulation (NIS2), which on the one hand places stricter requirements on information security, but on the other hand also covers a larger group of companies that are “important” or “particularly important” for society. These companies are now required to fulfil certain standards in information security.

Although the NIS2 Directive was already adopted in December 2022, the member states have until 17 October 2024 to pass a corresponding implementing law. Germany will probably not make it by then. Nevertheless, there is no reason to sit back. The NIS2UmsuCG is coming, and with it increased demands on the IT security of many companies and institutions.

Who needs to act now?

Companies from four groups are affected. Firstly, there are the particularly important organisations with 250 or more employees or an annual turnover of 50 million euros and a balance sheet total of 43 million euros or more. A company that fulfils these criteria and is active in one of the following sectors: energy, transport, finance/insurance, health, water/sewage, IT and telecommunications or space is particularly important.

In addition, there are the important organisations with 50 or more employees or a turnover of 10 million euros and a balance sheet total of 10 million euros. If a company fulfils these criteria and is active in one of the following sectors: postal/courier, chemicals, research, manufacturing (medical/diagnostics, IT, electrical, optical, mechanical engineering, automotive/parts, vehicle construction), digital services (marketplaces, search engines, social networks), food (wholesale, production, processing) or waste disposal (waste management), it is considered important.

In addition to particularly important and important facilities, there are also critical facilities, which continue to be defined by the KRITIS methodology. Federal facilities are also regulated.

What needs to be done?

In concrete terms, this means that all affected companies and institutions, regardless of whether they are “particularly important” or “important”, must fulfil a series of requirements and obligations that leave little room for interpretation and must therefore be strictly observed. Action must be taken in the following areas:

Risk management

Affected companies are obliged to introduce comprehensive risk management. In addition to access control, multi-factor authentication and single sign-on (SSO), this also includes training and incident management as well as an ISMS and risk analyses. This also includes vulnerability management and the use of vulnerability and compliance scans.

Reporting obligations

All companies are obliged to report “significant security incidents”: these must be reported to the BSI reporting centre immediately, but within 24 hours at the latest. Further updates must be made within 72 hours and 30 days.


Companies are obliged to determine for themselves whether they are affected by the NIS2 legislation and to register themselves within a period of three months. Important: Nobody tells a company that it falls under the NIS2 regulation and must register. The responsibility lies solely with the individual companies and their directors.


It is not enough to simply take the specified precautions; appropriate evidence must also be provided. Important and particularly important facilities will be inspected by the BSI on a random basis, and appropriate documentation must be submitted. KRITIS facilities will be inspected on a regular basis every three years.

Duty to inform

In future, it will no longer be possible to sweep security incidents under the carpet. The BSI will be authorised to issue instructions to inform customers about security incidents. The BSI will also be authorised to issue instructions on informing the public about security incidents.


Managing directors are obliged to approve risk management measures. Training on the topic will also become mandatory. Particularly serious: Managing directors are personally liable with their private assets for breaches of duty.


In the past, companies occasionally preferred to accept the vague possibility of a fine rather than making concrete investments in cyber security measures, as the fine seemed quite acceptable. NIS2 now counters this with new offences and in some cases drastically increased fines. This is further exacerbated by the personal liability of managing directors.

As can be seen, the expected NIS2 implementation law is a complex structure that covers many areas and whose requirements can rarely be covered by a single solution.

What measures should be taken as soon as possible?

Continuously scan your IT systems for vulnerabilities. This will uncover, prioritise and document security gaps as quickly as possible. Thanks to regular scans and detailed reports, you create the basis for documenting the development of the security of your IT infrastructure. At the same time, you fulfil your obligation to provide evidence and are well prepared in the event of an audit.

On request, experts can take over the complete operation of vulnerability management in your company. This also includes services such as web application pentesting, which specifically identifies vulnerabilities in web applications. This covers an important area in the NIS2 catalogue of requirements and fulfils the requirements of § 30 (risk management measures).


There is no single, all-encompassing measure that will immediately make you fully NIS2-compliant. Rather, there are a number of different measures that, taken together, provide a good basis. One component of this is vulnerability management with Greenbone. If you keep this in mind and put the right building blocks in place in good time, you will be on the safe side as an IT manager. And winter can come.

May 2024 made April’s record breaking CVE mountain into a mole-hill. The previous record for most CVEs published in a month grew by 36.9%. In total, a staggering 5061 vulnerabilities were added in May 2024. Considering the potentially high cost of a data breach, security teams need to stay in the loop with current cybersecurity trends, and the latest vulnerabilities. In this month’s threat tracker post, we will review several high profile enterprise software vendors suffering from newly discovered vulnerabilities in bulk and cover some of the latest known exploited vulnerabilities.

But first, we relay some news about one of our own – Christian Kuersteiner, a member of Greenbone’s vulnerability test development team, who’s responsible disclosure means that fewer vulnerabilities exist in the wild for attackers to take advantage of.

Greenbone’s Own Facilitating Responsible Disclosure

In May, Christian Kuersteiner, a software developer on the Greenbone team disclosed a vulnerability he had discovered in the Telerik Report Server. Telerik Report Server is a proprietary centralized Windows-based platform for managing and distributing reports. Rated as CVSS 5.5, the vulnerability could allow an unauthorized attacker to gain access to sensitive admin configuration data [CWE-200], and has since been published as CVE-2024-4837.

We asked Christian to describe what responsible security researchers do upon finding a bug. Here is what he had to say:

“Greenbone’s goal is to keep our customers safe. So naturally, we try to report vulnerabilities we find directly to the vendor with the details so they can provide fixes to their customers before attackers can take advantage. The people from Progress / Telerik and BugCrowd were very fast in responding, acknowledging, and fixing the vulnerability. The vulnerability was fixed, and a public advisory released within one week after reporting.”
Christian Kuersteiner, Security Researcher and Vulnerability Test Developer at Greenbone

In this instance, Christian’s contribution exemplifies how the bug reporting, aka responsible disclosure, process is meant to work. A vendor’s internal disclosure process triggers when a security researcher informs them of a bug. Since honorable software engineers are not the only people who may discover the bug, it could become a doorway for bad actors to gain a foothold on a network to steal data or deploy ransomware. In many cases, the damage extends to the general public as in the recent Change Healthcare breach.

Vendors are advised to follow best practices by posting a security.txt file [RFC-9116] at the root of their company domain, including a SECURITY.md file in public GitHub repositories, and enabling an email address such as security@example.com [RFC-2142] for receiving security related information.

Our story ends here on a positive note. Telerik has quickly released a security update that fixes the vulnerability. Users should update their instance of Report Server to version 2024 Q2 ( or later to protect against CVE-2024-4837. Finally, CVE-2024-4837 can be detected by Greenbone with both an active check and a version detection test.

Cisco Reports 21 New Vulnerabilities – 10 High Severity; 2 Actively Exploited

May was a rough month for Cisco products with respect to vulnerabilities. A total of 21 new vulnerabilities were disclosed across a variety of Cisco products. Of these, ten were high severity. This follows on intel from late April, when 2 vulnerabilities in Cisco products were added to CISA’s known exploited vulnerabilities (KEV) catalog. Cisco Talos reported that these recent vulnerabilities are part of a nation-state cyber espionage campaign dubbed “ArcaneDoor” targeting perimeter network devices that began in January 2024.

  • CVE-2024-20353 (CVSS 8.6 High): A denial of service (DoS) vulnerability in the management and VPN web servers for Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) and Cisco Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) software caused by incomplete error checking when parsing an HTTP header, may allow an attacker remotely exploit a vulnerable system. CVE-2024-20353 is known to be actively exploited.
  • CVE-2024-20359 (CVSS 6.0 High): A vulnerability in Cisco ASA and Cisco FTD Software allows an authenticated, local attacker to execute arbitrary code with root-level privileges after uploading a malicious file from flash memory and reloading the system to alter its configuration. CVE-2024-20359 is known to be actively exploited.
  • CVE-2024-20356 (CVSS 8.7 High): A vulnerability in the web-based management interface of Cisco Integrated Management Controller (IMC) allows an attacker with admin access to the web-based management interface the ability to perform command injection attacks with system level privileges on the affected device. This potentially allows an attacker to perform actions outside the intended scope of the management interface to install malware or a rootkit. Furthermore, while CVE-2024-20356 has not been added to CISA’s KEV catalog yet, proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit code is publicly available.

Greenbone is able to identify impacted versions of Cisco’s ASA [1][2], Cisco FTD Software [3][4] and Cisco IMC [5] as well as other recently disclosed vulnerabilities in Cisco products.

GitLab Community and Enterprise Actively Exploited

First publicly disclosed in January 2024, a weakness in GitLab Community and Enterprise editions tracked as CVE-2023-7028 (CVSS 10 Critical) was tagged as actively exploited by CISA on May 1st, 2024. Remediating known actively exploited critical vulnerabilities should be top priority for enterprise IT security teams. In total, 13 new vulnerabilities affecting GitLab were disclosed in May 2024.

CVE-2023-7028 results from a failure to properly implement access controls [CWE-284] and allows an attacker to trigger password reset emails to be sent to an arbitrary email address. Exploitation allows an attacker to access administrator accounts on GitLab’s Community Edition (CE) and Enterprise Edition (EE), a web-based DevOps lifecycle tool and Git repository manager.

CVE-2023-7028 is present in all major versions of GitLab from 16.1 through to 16.7 that do not have the most recent patches installed. At least one publicly available PoC exploit, and a detailed technical description mean this vulnerability should be categorized as trivial to exploit going forward.

CVE-2024-4835 also stood out from the pile of May vulnerabilities in GitLab. With a CVSS of 8.0, CVE-2024-4835 is a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability VS web-based code editor affecting GitLab in all versions of 15.11 though 16.10.6, 16.11 before 16.11.3, and 17.0 before 17.0.1. By leveraging CVE-2024-4835, an attacker can craft a malicious page to exfiltrate sensitive user information.

35 New Adobe CVEs Stand Out Against The May Landscape

In May, Adobe disclosed a total of 45 vulnerabilities across various products. Out of these, a stunning 32 were classified as high severity with a CVSS score of 7.8 or above. All the high severity vulnerabilities are exploited by tricking a victim into opening a malicious file and may result in arbitrary code execution on behalf of an attacker.

These vulnerabilities are prime candidates for use in social engineering attacks such as malspam, phishing, spear phishing, and drive-by-download campaigns by major cybercrime groups, especially initial access brokers (IAB) to gain unauthorized initial access to victim’s computers and internal networks. Users are urged to update their software to the latest versions to mitigate the risks and more generally to be very cautious of any software not procured from the original vendor, and of opening any documents from untrusted sources.

Here is a summary of affected products:

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader: Acrobat Reader received a total of 11 new vulnerabilities. Of these, 9 were classified as high severity, each carrying a CVSS of 7.8. These vulnerabilities affect Adobe Acrobat Reader versions 20.005.30574, 24.002.20736, and earlier.
  • Adobe Framemaker: Adobe Framemaker received 8 new vulnerabilities, 5 of which are high severity. The affected versions include Adobe Framemaker 2020.5, 2022.3, and earlier.
  • Adobe Animate: Animate saw 7 vulnerabilities disclosed in May, with 5 classified as high severity. The vulnerabilities affect Animate versions 24.0.2, 23.0.5, and earlier.

A Typhoon Of Critical CVEs Hit ArubaOS

In May, HPE Aruba Networking disclosed a total of 28 vulnerabilities for its ArubaOS operating system. A staggering 16 of these were assessed as CVSS 9.8 high severity or above. ArubaOS has only one previously disclosed CVE so far in 2024, which was released in March making this month’s disclosure an anomaly. ArubaOS is considered a leader in WLAN management, security appliances including intrusion detection and prevention systems. As an indication of ArubaOS’s market share, Aruba Networking, a Hewlett-Packard subsidiary, posted revenue of $7.2B USD in Q2-2024.

The affected products include various services and protocols accessed via the PAPI protocol. Among the most affected components of ArubaOS, the command line interface (CLI) service and Central Communications service stood out, both with multiple high-severity vulnerabilities that could potentially offer attackers arbitrary code execution. Users are advised to apply the latest updates and follow the vendor’s resolution guide to mitigate affected products.

Greebone includes vulnerability tests to identify vulnerable ArubaOS instances, allowing IT security teams to identify, prioritize, and remediate these vulnerabilities by installing the security updates.

Apache ActiveMQ 6.x Deemed Insecure By Design

In late 2023, we covered an actively exploited CVSS 9.8 Critical vulnerability in Apache ActiveMQ. ActiveMQ is a message broker service that allows processes in a distributed architecture to share information in a queued list.

In May 2024, ActiveMQ came under fire again. This time its default configuration was assigned CVE-2024-32114 (CVSS 8.5 High), an unauthenticated exposure in the ActiveMQ management API’s Jolokia JMX REST API and Message REST API. The vulnerability allows attackers to freely interact with the broker to produce or consume messages (via the Jolokia JMX REST API) or purge or delete destinations (via the Message REST API).

Greenbone can detect CVE-2024-32114 by identifying vulnerable versions of ActiveMQ. To mitigate, users are recommended to add a security constraint to the default conf/jetty.xml configuration file to require authentication or upgrade to Apache ActiveMQ 6.1.2 where the default configuration has been updated with authentication by default.

According to CISA’s Security By Design principles and the EU’s tough new Cyber Resilience Act, products must be delivered with a secure default configuration as vendors, even open-source software vendors, are asked to take more responsibility for security outcomes imposed by their products.

Ivanti Fixes Multiple Vulnerabilities in Avalanche MDM System

Ivanti has previously been featured in Greenbone’s security advisories. Just last month, our April 2024 Threat Tracking reviewed how The MITRE Corporation suffered a breach via two previously disclosed Ivanti vulnerabilities in Ivanti Connect Secure VPN. Ivanti is now the subject of another critical vulnerability in its Avalanche Mobile Device Management (MDM) system.

Avalanche is designed to help organizations secure and manage their mobile devices, including smartphones, tablets, and other mobile endpoints. Tracked as CVE-2024-29204 with a CVSS of 9.8 Critical, the vulnerability is a heap overflow [CWE-122] in Avalanche’s WLAvalancheService component that could allow an unauthenticated remote attacker to execute arbitrary commands. All versions of Ivanti Avalanche before 6.4.3 are affected, and Greenbone’s Enterprise feed includes a version detection test to identify vulnerable instances.


May 2024 saw a significant rise in disclosed vulnerabilities, surpassing April’s record by 36.9% with a total of 5061 CVEs. In this month’s summary report, we have highlighted how one of Greenbone’s own developers participated in the responsible disclosure process to ensure vulnerabilities are identified and patched.

This month, high severity vulnerabilities were reported across many enterprise software and hardware products including various Cisco products, GitLab, Adobe’s suite of creative design products, HP’s ArubaOS, Apache ActiveMQ, and Ivanti’s Avalanche MDM system. Organizations must stay vigilant by staying current with vulnerability intelligence and making their best efforts to identify, prioritize, and patch exploitable weaknesses in their IT infrastructure.

From a bird’s eye view, the cumulative cost of cyber-crime is estimated to reach 9.2 Trillion USD globally in 2024. According to the 2023 IBM X-Force Cost of a Data Breach Report, a single breach imposes an average of 4.45M USD of financial damage on a victim and while US firms incur more than double the global average, German organizations fared on par with the global average.

The most staggering costs are incurred by post-breach remediation activities such as incident response, digital forensics, system recovery, and mandatory disclosure reporting, while regulatory fines can also significantly add to cyber breach costs. Change Healthcare has forecasted an expected loss of 1.6B USD this year due to a breach that occurred in March 2024 and as discussed below, regulatory fines may be pending.

These potential damages highlight the importance of proactive security measures for preventing successful cyber attacks but also mitigating the financial impact should one occur​. The Ponemon Institute found that missing security patches accounted for 57% of cyber attacks. Getting breached less often is an obvious benefit of implementing preventative cybersecurity measures, but according to IBM, organizations with proactive risk-based vulnerability management (RBVM), also experience lower than average expenses post-breach (3.98M USD) compared to organizations without such measures (4.45M USD), those suffering from a skills shortage (5.36M USD), or those deemed non-compliant with cybersecurity regulations (5.05M USD).

Cost Of The Change Healthcare Post Ransomware Attack

In March, 2024 Change Healthcare suffered a ransomware attack that has so far burdened the company with roughly 872M USD in damages, and delayed 6B USD in health insurance payments. Change Healthcare forecasts an annual expected loss of 1.6B USD due to the incident. Established in 2007, Change Healthcare is a leading healthcare technology company selling revenue cycle management, payment accuracy, and clinical data exchange services globally​. A 2022 acquisition saw the company valued at 8B USD​.

HIPAA Compliance Investigation Into Change Healthcare

On top of that steep damage, the US HHS Office for Civil Rights, the entity responsible for enforcing the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), has opened an investigation into the attack seeking to determine whether Change Healthcare violated its compliance requirements. The HIPAA Security Rules require covered entities to implement “recognized security practices” to protect ePHI against reasonably anticipated security threats.

Continuous vulnerability management activities are a fundamental component of all modern cybersecurity frameworks. If it can be called a bright side, the most severe penalties for HIPPA non-compliance are capped at a mere 2M USD; short change in comparison to the overall cost of response and recovery for this particular incident.

The Greenbone Vulnerability Management platform is capable of implementing customized compliance tests to meet any framework including CIS, DISA STIG, HIPAA, and more, and Greenbone is certified for both its information security management systems ISMS (ISO 27001), quality management (ISO 9000), and most recently, environmental management (ISO-14001).

The IT-Grundschutz-Compendium of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) has, in recent years, provided clear guidelines for users of Microsoft Office. Since April 2024, Greenbone’s enterprise products have integrated tests to verify whether a company is implementing these instructions. The BSI guidelines are aligned with the Center for Internet Security (CIS) guidelines.

In the section “APP:Applications 1.1. Office Products” the BSI specifies the “requirements for the functionality of Office product components.” The goal is to protect the data processed and used by the Office software. While Microsoft Office is likely the primary reference due to its widespread market penetration, the model behind the BSI guidelines aims to apply to any office product “that is locally installed and used to view, edit, or create documents, excluding email applications.”

BSI Guidelines

The module explicitly builds on the requirements of the “APP.6 General Software” component and refers to the modules “APP.5.3 General Email Client,” “APP.4.3 Relational Databases,” and “OPS.2.2 Cloud Usage,” although it expressly does not consider these.

The BSI identifies three main threats to Office suites:

  • Lack of customization of Office products to the institution’s needs
  • Malicious content in Office documents
  • Loss of integrity of Office documents

The components listed in the BSI IT-Grundschutz-Compendium include 16 points, some of which have since been removed. Greenbone has developed several hundred tests, primarily addressing five of the basic requirements, including “Secure opening of documents from external sources” (APP.1.1. A3) and “Use of encryption and digital signatures” listed in APP.1.1. A15. The BSI specifies:

“All documents obtained from external sources MUST be checked for malware before being opened. All file formats deemed problematic and all unnecessary within the institution MUST be banned. If possible, they SHOULD be blocked. Technical measures SHOULD enforce that documents from external sources are checked.”

Regarding encryption, it states: “Data with increased protection requirements SHOULD only be stored or transmitted in encrypted form. Before using an encryption method integrated into an Office product, it SHOULD be checked whether it offers sufficient protection. Additionally, a method SHOULD be used that allows macros and documents to be digitally signed.”

CIS Guidelines Enhance Basic Protection

In addition to the requirements listed in the BSI Basic Protection Manual, the CIS Benchmark from the Center for Internet Security (CIS) for Microsoft Office includes further and more specific suggestions for securing Microsoft products. The CIS guidelines are developed by a community of security experts and represent a consensus-based best practice collection for Microsoft Office.

As one of the first and only vulnerability management providers, Greenbone now offers tests on security-relevant features mentioned in the CIS guidelines, uniting CIS and BSI instructions in numerous, sometimes in-depth tests, such as on ActiveX Control Initialization in Microsoft Office. The Greenbone Vulnerability Management tests whether this switch is set to “enabled”, but also many other settings, for example, whether “Always prevent untrusted Microsoft Query files from opening” is set to “Enabled” among many others.

Many tests focus on external content, integrating macros, and whether and how these external contents are signed, verifiable, and thus trustworthy or not, and whether administrators have done their homework in configuring Microsoft Office. According to the BSI, one of the most significant threats (and the first mentioned) is the lack of adaptation of Office products to the reality and the business processes in the company. Greenbone’s new tests ensure efficient compliance with regulations, making it harder for attackers and malware to establish a foothold and cause damage in the company.

On 19 and 20 June 2024, it’s all about the big picture: high-ranking IT specialists and decision-makers from politics, business and science will meet in Potsdam to provide an overview of “National Cybersecurity”. One of the biggest, widespread challenges is the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI). Elmar Geese, CEO of Greenbone, will discuss its influence on IT security with Dr Christoph Bausewein (CrowdStrike), Dr Sven Herpig (Stiftung Neue Verantwortung) and Dr Kim Nguyen (Bundesdruckerei) on the podium.

  • Time: 19 June 2024; 13:45
  • Place: Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Prof.-Dr.-Helmert-Straße 2-3 (Griebnitzsee campus)
  • Topic: How is artificial intelligence changing the cybersecurity landscape?
  • Moderation: Prof Dr Sandra Wachter, University of Oxford

The Potsdam Conference on National Cybersecurity will take place on 19 and 20 June 2024. Visit us at our stand at the conference!

Registration: https://hpi.de/das-hpi/bewerbung/2024/potsdam-cybersecurity-conference/

April 2024 has compounded another record breaking month for CVE disclosure on top of the last. In this month’s threat tracking report we will investigate several new actively exploited vulnerabilities and quickly review the cyber breach of US R&D giant MITRE. The report will also uncover how end-of-life (EOL) products can have a detrimental impact on an organization’s cybersecurity posture and how to manage the associated risks.

MITRE Exploited Via Ivanti Secure Connect Vulnerabilities

The MITRE Corporation is a not-for-profit organization established in 1958, that operates multiple federally funded research and development centers (FFRDCs) to support the US national defense, cybersecurity, healthcare, aviation, and more. MITRE also maintains several core cybersecurity frameworks such as MITRE ATT&CK, D3FEND, and vulnerability resources including the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) database, the Common Weakness and Enumeration (CWE), and the Common Attack Path Enumeration (CAPEC).

A recent cyber breach of MITRE shows that even the most cyber savvy organizations are not immune to targeted attacks from Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs). Initial access to one of MITRE’s research networks was gained via two Ivanti Connect Secure VPN service vulnerabilities; CVE-2023-46805 (CVSS 8.2) and CVE-2024-21887 (CVSS 9.1). We previously published a full description of these vulnerabilities which can both be detected by Greenbone’s vulnerability tests. After initial access, attackers were able to pivot to adjacent VMware infrastructure [TA0109] using stolen session tokens [T1563] to bypass multi-factor authentication and access admin accounts.

If it can happen to MITRE it can happen to any organization, but patching known actively exploited vulnerabilities is a critical cybersecurity activity that all organizations need to place strong emphasis on.

Operation MidnightEclipse: Exploited PaloAlto Zero Day

On April 10 2024, exploitation of a yet-undiscovered zero-day vulnerability in the GlobalProtect feature of PaloAlto PAN-OS was detected and reported by researchers at cybersecurity firm Volexity. The vulnerability, now tracked as CVE-2024-3400 (CVSS 10), allows unauthenticated remote code execution (RCE) with root privileges, and has been added to the CISA KEV (Known Exploited Vulnerabilities) catalog. The Greenbone enterprise vulnerability feed includes tests to detect CVE-2024-3400 allowing organizations to identify affected assets and plan remediation.

PaloAlto’s Unit42 is tracking subsequent attacks under the name Operation MidnightEclipse and along with Shadowserver Foundation, and GreyNoise, have observed simple probes and full exploitation followed by data exfiltration and installation of remote command and control (C2) tools. Also, several proof of concept (PoC) exploits have been publicly disclosed [1][2] by third parties extending the threat by enabling attacks from low-skilled cyber criminals.

CVE-2024-3400 affects PAN-OS 10.2, PAN-OS 11.0 and PAN-OS 11.1 firewalls configured with GlobalProtect gateway or GlobalProtect portal. Hotfix patches PAN-OS 10.2.9-h1, PAN-OS 11.0.4-h1, PAN-OS 11.1.2-h3 are currently available to remediate affected devices without requiring a restart. A comprehensive guide for remediation is available in the Palo Alto Knowledge Base.

D-Link End-Of-Life Products Exploited Via Hardcoded Credentials

Two critical vulnerabilities have been discovered in NAS devices manufactured by D-Link, labeled as CVE-2024-3272 (CVSS 9.8) and CVE-2024-3273 (CVSS 9.8). The impacted devices include DNS-320L, DNS-325, DNS-327L, and DNS-340L, all of which have reached their end of support product lifecycle. According to D-Link patches will not be provided. Both CVEs are being actively exploited, and a proof of concept (PoC) exploit for CVE-2024-3273 is available online. Globally this affects an estimated 92,000 devices.

Vulnerable devices all contain a default administration account that does not require a password. Attackers can execute commands remotely by sending a specially crafted HTTP GET request to the /cgi-bin/nas_sharing.cgi URI on the NAS web-interface. Combined, the two vulnerabilities pose a severe risk, as they allow root remote code execution (RCE) without authentication on the target device [T1584]. This gives attackers access to potentially sensitive data [TA0010] stored on the compromised NAS device itself, but also a foothold on the victim’s network to attempt lateral penetration [TA0008] to other systems on the network, or launch attacks globally as part of a botnet [T1584.005].

Securing End-Of-Life (EOL) Digital Products

End-of-life (EOL) digital products demand special security considerations due to discontinued vendor support. Here are some defensive tactics for protecting EOL digital products:

  1. Risk Assessment: Conduct regular risk assessments to identify the potential impact of legacy devices on your organization, especially considering that newly disclosed vulnerabilities may not have vendor provided remediation issued.
  2. Vulnerability and Patch Management: Although EOL products may be officially unsupported by their vendors, in some emergency cases, patches are still issued. Vulnerability scanning and patch management help identify new vulnerabilities and allow defenders to seek guidance from the vendor on remediation options.
  3. Isolation and Segmentation: If possible, isolate EOL products from the rest of the network to limit their exposure to potential threats. Segmenting these devices can help contain security breaches and prevent them from affecting other systems.
  4. Harden Configuration and Policies: In some cases, additional policies or security measures such as removing Internet access altogether are appropriate to further mitigate risk.
  5. Update to Supported Products: Update IT infrastructure to replace EOL products with supported alternatives. Transitioning to newer technologies can enhance security posture and reduce the reliance on outdated systems.
  6. Monitoring and Detection: Implement additional monitoring and detection mechanisms to detect any suspicious activity exploitation attempts or attempts at unauthorized access to EOL products. Continuous monitoring can help identify malicious activity promptly and allow appropriate responses.

CVE-2024-4040 CrushFTP VFS Sandbox Escape Vulnerability

CISA has issued an order for all federal US government agencies to patch systems using CrushFTP service due to active exploitation by politically motivated hackers. Tracked as CVE-2024-4040 (CVSS 9.8), the vulnerability allows an unauthenticated attacker to access sensitive data outside of the CrushFTP’s Virtual File System (VFS) and achieve full system compromise. The vulnerability stems from a failure to correctly authorize commands issued via the CrushFTP API [CWE-1336].

CrushFTP is a proprietary file transfer software designed for secure file transfer and file sharing. It supports a wide range of protocols, including FTP, SFTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, WebDAV, and more. The vulnerability lies in CrushFTP’s Java web-interface API for administering and monitoring the CrushFTP server.

CrushFTP said there is no way to identify a compromised instance from inspecting the application logs. It turned out that CVE-2024-4040 is trivial to exploit and publically available exploits are available, greatly increasing the risk. Greenbone’s Enterprise feed includes a vulnerability test to identify the HTTP header sent by vulnerable versions of CrushFTP.

There are an estimated 6,000 publicly exposed instances of CrushFTP in the US alone and over 7,000 public instances globally. CVE-2024-4040 impacts all versions of the application before 10.7.1 and 11.1.0 on all platforms, and customers should upgrade to a patched version with urgency.


April 2024 was a record breaking month for CVE disclosure and new cybersecurity challenges, including several high-profile incidents. Ivanti’s Secure Connect VPN was used to gain unauthorized access to MITRE’s development infrastructure leading to internal network attacks.

Various politically motivated threat actors were observed exploiting a zero-day vulnerability in Palo Alto’s PAN-OS now tracked as CVE-2024-3400, and two new critical vulnerabilities in EOL D-Link NAS devices highlight the need for extra security when legacy products must remain in active service. Also, a critical vulnerability in the CrushFTP server was found and quickly added to CISA KEV forcing US government agencies to patch with urgency.

Save the date: The “German Congress for IT and Cyber Security in Government and Administration” (June 12 to 13, 2024) provides information on current trends, strategies and solutions in IT security.

In the main program: “IT support for early crisis detection” (Moderation: Dr. Eva-Charlotte Proll, Editor-in-Chief and Publisher, Behörden Spiegel).


  • Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner, Chief Executive Officer Greenbone
  • Carsten Meywirth, Head of the Cybercrime Division, Federal Criminal Police Office
  • Generalmajor Dr. Michael Färber, Head of Planning and Digitization, Cyber & Information Space Command
  • Katrin Giebel, Branch Manager, VITAKO Bundesverband kommunaler IT-Dienstleister e.V.
  • Dr. Dirk Häger, Head of the Operational Cybersecurity Department, Federal Office for Information Security (BSI)

Where? Berlin, Hotel Adlon Kempinski, Unter den Linden 77
When? 13.06.2024; 9:40 a.m.

Vulnerabilities in IT systems are increasingly being exploited by malicious attackers. You can protect your IT systems with vulnerability management. Visit us in our lounge at stand 44 – we look forward to seeing you!

Registration: https://www.public-it-security.de/anmeldung/

March 2024 was another eventful month for vulnerabilities and cybersecurity in general. It was the second consecutive month of lapsed Common Vulnerability Exposure (CVE) enrichment putting defenders in a precarious position with reduced risk visibility. The Linux kernel continued its elevated pace of vulnerability disclosures and was commissioned as a new CVE Numbering Authority (CNA). In addition, several critical vulnerabilities were added to CISA’s Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) list including Microsoft Windows, Fortinet FortiClientEMS, all the major browsers, and enterprise Continuous Integration And Delivery software vendor JetBrains.

Here’s a quick review of March 2024’s most impactful cybersecurity events.

The NIST NVD Disruption

NIST’s National Vulnerability Database (NVD) team largely abandoned CVE Enrichment in February 2024 with no warning. NIST NVD slowed to a CVE enrichment rate of just over 5% during March and it became obvious that the abrupt halt was not just a short-term outage. Disruption of CVE enrichment puts cybersecurity operations around the world at a big disadvantage because the NVD is the largest centralized repository of vulnerability severity information. Without severity enrichment, cybersecurity admins are left with very little information for vulnerability prioritization and risk management decision making.

Experts in the cybersecurity community traded public speculation until the VulnCon & Annual CNA Summit, where NIST’s Tanya Brewer announced that the non-regulatory US government agency would relinquish some aspects of the NVD management to an industry consortium. Brewer did not explain the exact cause for outage, but forecasted several additional goals for NIST NVD moving forward:

  • Allowing more outside parties to submit enrichment data
  • Improving the NVD’s software identification capabilities
  • Adding new types of threat intelligence data such as EPSS and the NIST Bugs Framework
  • Improving the NVD data’s usability and supporting new use cases
  • Automating some aspects of CVE analysis

Plenty Going On “In The Linux Kernel”

A total of 259 CVEs were disclosed in March 2024 with a description that began with: “In the Linux kernel” marking the second most active month ever for Linux vulnerability disclosures. The all time record was set one month prior in February with a total of 279 CVEs issued. March also marked a new milestone for kernel.org, the maintainer of the Linux kernel, as it was inducted as a CVE Numbering Authority (CNA). Kernel.org will now assume the role of assigning and enriching CVEs that impact the Linux kernel. Going forward the kernel.org asserts that CVEs will only be issued for discovered vulnerabilities after a fix is available, and CVEs will only be issued for versions of the Linux kernel that are actively supported.

Multiple High Severity Vulnerabilities In Fortinet Products

Several High severity vulnerabilities in Fortinet FortiOS and FortiClientEMS were disclosed. Of these, CVE-2023-48788 has been added to CISA’s KEV database. The risk imposed by CVE-2023-48788 is further compounded by the existence of a publicly available proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit. While CVE-2023-48788 is notably an SQL Injection [CWE-89] vulnerability, it can be exploited in tandem with the xp_cmdshell function of Microsoft SQL Server for remote code execution (RCE). Even when xp_cmdshell is not enabled by default, researchers have shown that it can be enabled via the SQL Injection weakness.

Greenbone has a network vulnerability test (NVT) that can identify systems affected by CVE-2023-48788, local security checks (LSCs) [1][2] that can identify systems affected by CVE-2023-42790 and CVE-2023-42789, and another LSC to identify systems affected by CVE-2023-36554. A proof-of-concept exploit for CVE-2023-3655 has been posted to GitHub.

  • CVE-2023-48788 (CVSS 9.8 Critical): A SQL Injection vulnerability allowing an attacker to execute unauthorized code or commands via specially crafted packets in Fortinet FortiClientEMS version 7.2.0 through 7.2.2.
  • CVE-2023-42789 (CVSS 9.8 Critical): An out-of-bounds write in Fortinet FortiOS allows an attacker to execute unauthorized code or commands via specially crafted HTTP requests. Affected products include FortiOS 7.4.0 through 7.4.1, 7.2.0 through 7.2.5, 7.0.0 through 7.0.12, 6.4.0 through 6.4.14, 6.2.0 through 6.2.15, FortiProxy 7.4.0, 7.2.0 through 7.2.6, 7.0.0 through 7.0.12, 2.0.0 through 2.0.13.
  • CVE-2023-42790 (CVSS 8.1 High): A stack-based buffer overflow in Fortinet FortiOS allows an attacker to execute unauthorized code or commands via specially crafted HTTP requests. Affected products include FortiOS 7.4.0 through 7.4.1, 7.2.0 through 7.2.5, 7.0.0 through 7.0.12, 6.4.0 through 6.4.14, 6.2.0 through 6.2.15, FortiProxy 7.4.0, 7.2.0 through 7.2.6, 7.0.0 through 7.0.12, 2.0.0 through 2.0.13.
  • CVE-2023-36554 (CVSS 9.8 Critical): FortiManager is prone to an improper access control vulnerability in backup and restore features that can allow attackers to execute unauthorized code or commands via specially crafted HTTP requests. Affected products are FortiManager version 7.4.0, version 7.2.0 through 7.2.3, version 7.0.0 through 7.0.10, version 6.4.0 through 6.4.13 and 6.2, all versions.

Zero Days In All Major Browsers

Pwn2Own, an exciting hacking competition took place at CanSecWest security conference on March 20th – 22nd. At this year’s event, 29 distinct zero-days were discovered and over one million dollars in prize money was awarded to security researchers. Independent entrant Manfred Paul earned a total of $202,500 including $100,000 for two zero day sandbox escape vulnerabilities in Mozilla Firefox. Mozilla quickly issued updates to Firefox with version 124.0.1.

Manfred Paul also achieved remote code execution (RCE) in Apple’s Safari by combining Pointer Authentication Code (PAC) [D3-PAN] bypass and integer underflow [CWE-191] zero-days. PACs in Apple’s operating systems are cryptographic signatures for verifying the integrity of pointers to prevent the exploitation of memory corruption bugs. PAC has been bypassed before for RCE in Safari. Manfred defeated Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge via an Improper Validation of Specified Quantity in Input [CWE-1284] vulnerability to complete the browser exploit trifecta.

The fact all major browsers were breached underscores the high risk of visiting untrusted Internet sites and the overall lack of security provided by major browser vendors. Greenbone includes tests to identify vulnerable versions of Firefox and Chrome.

  • CVE-2024-29943 (CVSS 10 Critical): An attacker was able to exploit Firefox via an out-of-bounds read or write on a JavaScript object by fooling range-based bounds check elimination. This vulnerability affects versions of Firefox before 124.0.1.
  • CVE-2024-29944 (CVSS 10 Critical): Firefox incorrectly handled Message Manager listeners allowing an attacker to inject an event handler into a privileged object to execute arbitrary code.
  • CVE-2024-2887 (High Severity): A type confusion [CWE-843] vulnerability in the Chromium browser’s implementation of WebAssembly (Wasm).

New Actively Exploited Microsoft Vulnerabilities

Microsoft’s March 2024 security advisory included a total of 61 vulnerabilities impacting many products. The Windows kernel had the most CVEs disclosed with a total of eight, five of which are rated high severity. Microsoft WDAC OLE DB provider for SQL, Windows ODBC Driver, SQL Server, and Microsoft WDAC ODBC Driver combined to account for ten high severity CVEs. There are no workarounds for any vulnerabilities in the group meaning that updates must be applied to all affected products. Greenbone includes vulnerability tests to detect the newly disclosed vulnerabilities from Microsoft’s March 2024 security advisory.

Microsoft has so far tagged six its new March 2024 vulnerabilities as “Exploitation More Likely”, while two new vulnerabilities affecting Microsoft products were added to the CISA KEV list; CVE-2023-29360 (CVSS 8.4 High) affecting Microsoft Streaming Service and CVE-2024-21338 (CVSS 7.8 High) published in 2023 were assigned actively exploited status in March.

CVE-2024-27198: Critical Severity CVE In JetBrains TeamCity

TeamCity is a popular continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) server developed by JetBrains, the same company behind other widely-used development tools like IntelliJ IDEA, the leading Kotlin Integrated Development Environment (IDE), and PyCharm, an IDE for Python. TeamCity is designed to help software development teams automate and streamline their build, test, and deployment processes and competes with other CI/CD platforms such as Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, Travis CI, and Azure DevOps, among others. TeamCity is estimated to hold almost 6% of the total Continuous Integration And Delivery market share and ranks third overall, while according to JetBrains, over 15.9 million developers use their products, including 90 of the Fortune Global Top 100 companies.

Given JetBrains market position, a critical severity vulnerability in one of their products will quickly attract the attention of threat actors. Within three days of CVE-2024-27198 being published it was added to the CISA KEV catalog. Greenbone Enterprise vulnerability feed includes tests to identify affected products including a version check and an active check that sends a crafted HTTP GET request and analyzes the response.

When combined, CVE-2024-27198 (CVSS 9.8 Critical) and CVE-2024-27199 allow an attacker to bypass authentication using an alternative path or channel [CWE-288] to read protected files including those outside of the restricted directory [CWE-23] and perform limited admin actions.


March 2024 was another fever-pitched month for software vulnerabilities due to the NIST NVD outage and active exploitation of several vulnerabilities in enterprise and consumer software products. On the bright side, several zero-day vulnerabilities impacting all major browsers were identified and patched.

However, the fact that a single researcher was able to so quickly exploit all major browsers is serious wake-up call for all organizations since the browser plays such a fundamental role in modern enterprise operations. Vulnerability management remains a core element in cybersecurity strategy, and regularly scanning IT infrastructure for vulnerabilities ensures that the latest threats can be identified for remediation – closing the gaps that attackers seek to exploits for access to critical systems and data.

After experts noticed a rapid increase in cyberattacks on local authorities and government agencies in 2023, the horror stories don’t stop in 2024. The pressure to act is enormous, as the EU’s NIS2 Directive will come into force in October and makes risk and vulnerability management mandatory.

“The threat level is higher than ever,” said Claudia Plattner, President of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), at Bitkom in early March. The question is not whether an attack will be successful, but only when. The BSI’s annual reports, for example the most recent report from 2023, also speak volumes in this regard. However, according to Plattner, it is striking how often local authorities, hospitals and other public institutions are at the centre of attacks. There is “not a problem with measures but with implementation in companies and authorities”, said Plattner. One thing is clear: vulnerability management such as Greenbone’s can provide protection and help to avoid the worst.

US authorities infiltrated by Chinese hackers

In view of the numerous serious security incidents, vulnerability management is becoming more important every year. Almost 70 new security vulnerabilities have been added every day in recent months. Some of them opened the door to attackers deep inside US authorities, as reported in the Greenbone Enterprise Blog:

According to the media, US authorities have been infiltrated by Chinese hacker groups such as the probably state-sponsored “Volt Typhoon” for years via serious security gaps. The fact that Volt Typhoon and similar groups are a major problem was even confirmed by Microsoft itself in a blog back in May 2023. But that’s not all: German media reported that Volt Typhoon is taking advantage of the abundant vulnerabilities in VPN gateways and routers from FortiNet, Ivanti, Netgear, Citrix and Cisco. These are currently considered to be particularly vulnerable.

The fact that the quasi-monopolist in Office, groupware, operating systems and various cloud services also had to admit in 2023 that it had the master key for large parts of its Microsoft cloud let stolen destroyed trust in the Redmond software manufacturer in many places. Anyone who has this key doesn’t need a backdoor for Microsoft systems any longer. Chinese hackers are also suspected in this case.

Software manufacturers and suppliers

The supply chain for software manufacturers has been under particular scrutiny by manufacturers and users not only since log4j or the European Cyber Resilience Act. The recent example of the attack on the XZ compression algorithm in Linux also shows the vulnerability of manufacturers. In the case of the “#xzbackdoor”, a combination of pure coincidence and the activities of Andres Freund, a German developer of open source software for Microsoft with a strong focus on performance, prevented the worst from happening.

An abyss opened up here: It was only thanks to open source development and a joint effort by the community that it came to light that actors had been using changing fake names with various accounts for years with a high level of criminal energy and with methods that would otherwise be more likely to be used by secret services. With little or no user history, they used sophisticated social scams, exploited the notorious overload of operators and gained the trust of freelance developers. This enabled them to introduce malicious code into software almost unnoticed. In the end, it was only thanks to Freund’s interest in performance that the attack was discovered and the attempt to insert a backdoor into a tool failed.

US officials also see authorities and institutions as being particularly threatened in this case, even if the attack appears to be rather untargeted and designed for mass use. The issue is complex and far from over, let alone fully understood. One thing is certain: the usernames of the accounts used by the attackers were deliberately falsified. We will continue to report on this in the Greenbone blog.

European legislators react

Vulnerability management cannot prevent such attacks, but it provides indispensable services by proactively warning and alerting administrators as soon as such an attack becomes known – usually before an attacker has been able to compromise systems. In view of all the difficulties and dramatic incidents, it is not surprising that legislators have also recognised the magnitude of the problem and are declaring vulnerability management to be standard and best practice in more and more scenarios.

Laws and regulations such as the EU’s new NIS2 directive make the use of vulnerability management mandatory, including in the software supply chain. Even if NIS2 only actually applies to around 180,000 organisations and companies in the critical infrastructure (KRITIS) or “particularly important” or “significant” companies in Europe, the regulations are fundamentally sensible – and will be mandatory from October. The EU Commission emphasises that “operators of essential services” must “take appropriate security measures and inform the competent national authorities of serious incidents”. Important providers of digital services such as search engines, cloud computing services and online marketplaces must fulfil the security and notification requirements of the directive.”

Mandatory from October: A “minimum set of cyber security measures”

The “Directive on measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union (NIS2)” forces companies in the European Union to “implement a benchmark of minimum cybersecurity measures”, including risk management, training, policies and procedures, also and especially in cooperation with software suppliers. In Germany, the federal states are to define the exact implementation of the NIS2 regulations.

Do you have any questions about NIS2, the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA), vulnerability management in general or the security incidents described? Write to us! We look forward to working with you to find the right compliance solution and give your IT infrastructure the protection it needs in the face of today’s serious attacks.

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