GDPR compliant Vulnerability Management
The EuGH ruling known as “Schrems-II” on secure data exchange with the US has left a lot of legal uncertainty: Companies urgently need to adapt their contracts and a new solution is not in sight. It is time to switch to modern, data protection compliant and legally secure tools – such as the Greenbone Cloud Service for Vulnerability Management.
The “EU-US Privacy Shield” agreement, which attempted to regulate data protection in data transfers between the EU and the US (and other third countries), also failed to meet Europe’s requirements, its highest court ruled. In mid-July 2020, the European Court of Justice ECJ also declared the Privacy Shield invalid, following “Safe Harbor.”
Lack of legal certainty and renewed work
For many companies, this brought not only uncertainty, but also very concrete work: New standard contractual clauses (SCC) in accordance with the requirements of the EU Commission must be created. Time is pressing here: the EU’s “guardian of the treaties” will require new SCCs for old contracts as well from December 27, 2022.
Even more annoying, however, is that the future of transatlantic data processing also remains uncertain. According to experts, a decree by the U.S. president in October 2022 is likely to be just as short-lived as the predecessor regulations overturned by the ECJ. The legal areas are too different for a permanent, binding solution to be found. The only safe solution is to rely on legally secure products that comply with the GDPR from the outset.
Greenbone Cloud Service: GDPR-compliant Vulnerability Management already today
When it comes to vulnerability management, this is already possible today, quite simply with the Greenbone Cloud Service. It enables high-quality Vulnerability Management as a Service and allows users to detect vulnerabilities in their own network infrastructure (without installing virtual or hardware appliances) within a few steps and generates instructions for their remediation in the form of reports. Scan requests from the client network reach the scan clusters via cloud management, which do the core work and return the information for the reports more information here in the datasheet).
For both centrally managed networks and distributed environments that require high scalability, the Greenbone Cloud Service is perfect. The platform is ready to use within minutes without any local components. Users can start using the results immediately.
In addition, the Greenbone Cloud Service already ensures legal security and GDPR-compliant Vulnerability Management for all cloud customers today, because data processing takes place exclusively in German data centers, i.e. in the European legal area and within the scope of the GDPR. Data transfer of any kind to the USA or other third countries that cannot guarantee adequate data protection is thus excluded.
Try Greenbone Cloud Service for free
As a “trial”, the Greenbone Cloud Service is free of charge for 14 days. Users can try it out quickly, without special know-how directly in the web browser – during this time they can scan 2 external as well as 20 internal IP addresses. A direct upgrade to a valid subscription is possible at any time. The Greenbone Cloud Service Trial uses the daily updated Greenbone Enterprise Feed.
With its help, Greenbone automatically tests your IT network and all connected devices for more than 100,000 vulnerabilities and provides you with a daily updated, accurate status of the security situation in your company. Because the vulnerability check also provides you with information on the severity level at the same time, you can prioritize the identified vulnerabilities and the measures to be taken.
Vulnerability Management that looks at your IT infrastructure from the outside is indispensable in modern companies. With the perspective of a potential attacker, so to speak, you can ideally find every existing vulnerability in your IT infrastructure and take care of its elimination. Only those who know their vulnerabilities can implement security measures in a targeted manner.

Markus Feilner is a consultant for IT security, digital sovereignty and open source strategies from Regensburg. He has been working with Linux since 1994. He has been writing studies, articles and blog posts for Greenbone since 2021.