Open Source
Crediamo nel concetto open source e sosteniamo le community che ne fanno parte.
La tecnologia Greenbone è trasparente e tutte le persone interessate possono fare esaminare il codice sorgente.
“Greenbone” è un marchio di Greenbone AG. La licenza della versione open source del software non implica una licenza del marchio. Pertanto, Greenbone mantiene tutti i diritti su questo marchio.
Greenbone Enterprise Feed è composto da quattro parti:
Acquistando un abbonamento a Greenbone acconsenti alle nostre condizioni di licenza come specificate di seguito. Inoltre, hai accesso al nostro Service Level Agreement (SLA), ad esempio il “Greenbone Support”.
Qui scopri di più sulle licenze dei quattro componenti e su Greenbone OS (sistema operativo):
Test di vulnerabilità
Di seguito trovi il contenuto del file “LICENSE” che fa parte di Greenbone Enterprise Feed e ad avvenuta installazione, si trova su “/opt/greenbone/feed/plugins/”. Il file di accompagnamento “LICENSE.GPLv2” è disponibile qui sotto, pronto per essere scaricato.
License information for Greenbone Enterprise Feed ----------------------------------------------- The "Greenbone Enterprise Feed" ("Feed") as a whole is a database that is protected by copyright law and which consists of a collection of Vulnerability Tests (VTs). The intellectual property in the database and in the majority of the VTs are owned by Greenbone. For each instance for which the Feed is used, you have to purchase a suitable subscription of Greenbone (see reference below). The Feed as a whole must not be provided to third parties, neither modified (for example by altering, adding or removing VTs) nor unmodified. However, the license for each single Vulnerability Test is the GNU General Public License, Version 2 only (GNU GPLv2). Some VTs indicate additional licenses as optional. You may modify and redistribute single VTs according to the license conditions of the GNU GPL version 2 if not otherwise indicated. GPLv2: See file LICENSE.GPLv2 For more information please contact Greenbone AG: or
Di seguito trovi il contenuto del file “COPYING” che di base è fornito come parte di Greenbone Enterprise Feed e, ad avvenuta installazione, si trova su “/opt/greenbone/feed/scap-data/”.
This directory contains SCAP data provided by The MITRE Corporation and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). CVE is a publicly available and free to use list or dictionary of standardized identifiers for common computer vulnerabilities and exposures. The master copy of the CVE List is maintained for the community by MITRE. You may download the CVE List, copy it, redistribute it, reference it, and analyze it, provided you do not modify CVE itself as per the Terms of Use listed at For more details, visit CPE is a structured naming scheme for information technology systems, software, and packages. This directory contains a copy of the official CPE Product Dictionary. The dictionary provides an agreed upon list of official CPE names. The dictionary is provided in XML format and is available to the general public. The CPE Dictionary hosted and maintained at NIST may be used by nongovernmental organizations on a voluntary basis and is not subject to copyright in the United States. Attribution would, however, be appreciated by NIST. For more details, visit OVAL is an information security community effort to standardize how to assess and report upon the machine state of computer systems. It is international in scope and free for public use. The OVAL Language and any resulting OVAL content based upon the language that is stored in the OVAL Repository are free to use by any organization or individual for any research, development, and/or commercial purposes, per the Terms of Use listed at For more details, visit
Di seguito trovi il contenuto del file “COPYING” che di base è fornito come parte di Greenbone Enterprise Feed e, ad avvenuta installazione si trova su “/opt/greenbone/feed/cert-data/”.
This directory contains advisory data from various CERTs (Computer Emergency Response Team). Below is a list of the license notices from each CERT. CERT-Bund (files CB-K*.xml) --------------------------- This directory contains advisory data provided by the BSI. You are given the non-exclusive, royalty-free license to download, copy, reference, analyze and redistribute it. This data must not be modified and BSI's copyright designation and license have to be reproduced in any copy. DFN-CERT (files dfn-cert-*.xml) ------------------------------- This directory contains advisory data provided by DFN-CERT Services GmbH (DFN-CERT). This data is provided to allow a mapping between the CVE dictionary and advisories as provided by DFN-CERT. You are given the non-exclusive, royalty-free license to download it, copy it, redistribute it, as the original mapping semantics are kept intact. DFN-CERT's copyright designation and license have to be reproduced in any copy.
Pacchetti di dati
Di seguito trovi il contenuto del file “LICENSE” che di base è fornito come parte di Greenbone Enterprise Feed.
License information for Greenbone Enterprise Feed - Data Objects
The "Greenbone Enterprise Feed - Data Objects" ("Feed") as a whole
is a database that is protected by copyright law and which consists
of a collection of Data Objects (DOs).
The intellectual property in the database and in all DOs are owned
by Greenbone. For each instance for which the Feed is used,
you have to purchase a suitable subscription of Greenbone
(see reference below).
The Feed as a whole must not be provided to third parties, neither
modified (for example by altering, adding or removing DOs) nor
unmodified. However, the license for each single Data Object is the
GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 (GNU AGPLv3). Some DOs
indicate additional licenses as optional. You may modify and
redistribute single DOs according to the license conditions of the
GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 if not otherwise indicated.
For more information please contact Greenbone AG: or
Greenbone OS (sistema operativo)
Di seguito trovi il contenuto del file COPYING.GOS, che nel sistema operativo Greenbone si trova come file “/usr/share/doc/gsm-info/COPYING.GOS“.
Greenbone OS consists of a number of software packages, essentially based on Debian GNU/Linux. You will find the license information for any package under /usr/share/doc/PACKAGENAME/copyright. In essence you are permitted to use the product for any purpose, but for redistribution you have to consider the respective licenses conditions. You are, however, not permitted to redistribute the Greenbone Enterprise Feed access key which is part of a Greenbone Subscription. The key is located under "/etc/gvm/". Customers who entered into a service Level Agreement are not allowed to use the access key with more than one scan engine. In case of non-compliance we reserve the right to terminate the Service Level Agreement. For binaries that you receive from Greenbone that are licensed under any version of the GNU General Public License (GPL), the GNU LGPL or GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL), you can receive a complete machine-readable copy of the source code by sending a written request to: Greenbone AG Neumarkt 12 49074 Osnabrück Germany Your request should include: (i) the name of the covered binary, (ii) the version number of the Greenbone product containing the covered binary, (iii) your name, (iv) your company name (if applicable) and (v) your return mailing and email address (if available). We may charge you a nominal fee to cover the cost of the media and distribution. Your request must be sent within three (3) years of the date you received the GPL or LGPL covered code. For your convenience, some or all of the source code may also be found at: Also for convenience, the source codes for all the operating system base modules are generally available for immediate download. You will find the license information for the Greenbone Enterprise Feed as file LICENSE under "/opt/greenbone/feed/plugins/", and as file LICENSE under "/opt/greenbone/feed/gvmd/".
Greenbone Community Feed è composto da quattro elementi:
Qui trovi maggiori informazioni sulle licenze dei quattro componenti:
Test di vulnerabilità
Di seguito trovi il contenuto del file “LICENSE” che fa parte di Greenbone Community Feed e, ad installazione avvenuta, si trova nella directory “plugins/”. I file di accompagnamento “LICENSE.GPLv2” e “LICENSE.ODbLv1“ sono disponibili qui sotto, pronti per essere scaricati.
License information for Greenbone Community Feed ----------------------------------------------- The Greenbone Community Feed (GCF) is a database licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License version 1.0 (ODbLv1). The effective license for the Vulnerability Tests (VTs) within the Greenbone Community Feed is the GNU General Public License Version 2 (GNU GPLv2). The majority of VTs is licensed under "GNU GPLv2 or later" (GNU GPLv2+). A minority of the VTs is licensed under "GNU GPLv2" or under "GPLv2 or GPLv3". You will find the actual license of each file in its header part. ODbLv1: See file LICENSE.ODbLv1 GPLv2: See file LICENSE.GPLv2 The following text will satisfy notice under ODbLv1 Section 4.3: Contains information from Greenbone Community Feed (GCF, which is made available here under the Open Database License (ODbL, For more information please contact Greenbone AG: or
Di seguito trovi il contenuto del file “COPYING” che fa parte di Greenbone Community Feed e, ad avvenuta installazione, si trova nella directory “scap-data/”.
This directory contains SCAP data provided by The MITRE Corporation and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). CVE is a publicly available and free to use list or dictionary of standardized identifiers for common computer vulnerabilities and exposures. The master copy of the CVE List is maintained for the community by MITRE. You may download the CVE List, copy it, redistribute it, reference it, and analyze it, provided you do not modify CVE itself as per the Terms of Use listed at For more details, visit CPE is a structured naming scheme for information technology systems, software, and packages. This directory contains a copy of the official CPE Product Dictionary. The dictionary provides an agreed upon list of official CPE names. The dictionary is provided in XML format and is available to the general public. The CPE Dictionary hosted and maintained at NIST may be used by nongovernmental organizations on a voluntary basis and is not subject to copyright in the United States. Attribution would, however, be appreciated by NIST. For more details, visit OVAL is an information security community effort to standardize how to assess and report upon the machine state of computer systems. It is international in scope and free for public use. The OVAL Language and any resulting OVAL content based upon the language that is stored in the OVAL Repository are free to use by any organization or individual for any research, development, and/or commercial purposes, per the Terms of Use listed at For more details, visit
Di seguito trovi il contenuto del file “COPYING” che è sempre fornito come parte di Greenbone Community Feed e, ad avvenuta installazione, si trova nella directory “cert-data/”.
This directory contains advisory data from various CERTs (Computer Emergency Response Team). Below is a list of the license notices from each CERT. CERT-Bund (files CB-K*.xml) --------------------------- This directory contains advisory data provided by the BSI. You are given the non-exclusive, royalty-free license to download, copy, reference, analyze and redistribute it. This data must not be modified and BSI's copyright designation and license have to be reproduced in any copy. DFN-CERT (files dfn-cert-*.xml) ------------------------------- This directory contains advisory data provided by DFN-CERT Services GmbH (DFN-CERT). This data is provided to allow a mapping between the CVE dictionary and advisories as provided by DFN-CERT. You are given the non-exclusive, royalty-free license to download it, copy it, redistribute it, as the original mapping semantics are kept intact. DFN-CERT's copyright designation and license have to be reproduced in any copy.
Pacchetti di dati
Di seguito trovi il contenuto del file “LICENSE” che fa sempre parte di Greenbone Community Feed e, ad avvenuta installazione, si trova nella directory “gvmd/”.
License information for Greenbone Community Feed ------------------------------------------------ The Greenbone Community Feed (GCF) is a database licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License version 1.0 (ODbLv1). The license for the Greenbone Vulnerability Manager daemon (gvmd) data objects of the Greenbone Community Feed is the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 (GNU AGPLv3). ODbLv1: See file LICENSE.ODbLv1 AGPLv3: See file LICENSE.AGPLv3 The following text will satisfy notice under ODbLv1 Section 4.3: Contains information from Greenbone Community Feed (GCF, which is made available here under the Open Database License (ODbL, For more information please contact Greenbone AG: or
Crediamo nel concetto open source e sosteniamo le community che ne fanno parte.
La tecnologia Greenbone è trasparente e tutte le persone interessate possono fare esaminare il codice sorgente.